Sunday, November 4, 2012 review

         For this website review I will be looking at Comcast is one of the many sites and or businesses that I have an email account with. I find that their site is very interesting to go to because its not just for email, they have news, home security, voice mail, and much more.

         I feel that this site is good for many reasons, one of them being their home page setup. I like how everything is broken up into different section with boxes. It makes the site very easy to navigate through and keeps the page neat and clutter free. Another good thing about the site is the navigation bar at the top of the page. It makes it easy for the viewer to travel through the website. The scrolling ad box at the top of the page is eye catching and usually gets my attention every time I go their. I think this is a good marketing strategy because when you are looking at the page you are not expecting movement and so when something moves your eyes get drawn to it. I wouldn't do anything to change the webpage, it looks and feels good as it is. I would want others to come here because the site is similar to a one stop shop for everything I'm looking for.

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