Tuesday, October 30, 2012

easybib.com review

         For this website review www.easybib.com takes the spotlight. Easybib is a site that offers free MLA auto citations and depending on what you are trying to cite you can choose from a variety of sources.

         The reason why this site is so good for MLA citing is that it has an auto cite that lets you put in the website address or title of a book and it will automatically put in the info in for you. Whats even better is that the site is as simple as you can get. It has only one search bar for the auto cite feature and all the different sources you would need to cite. After using the auto cite feature it lets you know that there are boxes that need to be filled in by telling you in bolded red lettering at the top, as well as the boxes having a red border. The color scheme doesn't clash, creating an easy scene for the eye. I would not change anything about this webpage because why would you fix something that's not broken? Yes I would want others to go here because it is a quick and easy way to cite your sources.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

realtree.com review

          For this weeks website review I will be looking at realtree.com. Realtree is mostly known for their camo and is centered around hunting.
         What I like about this website is how they make it simple and break down their site into four categories in the top of the homepage; making it easier to navigate. Also, all of the images on the home page match. When you are looking around you can see that none of the colors clash and create an unpleasant scene to look at, all the images flow smoothly together. The moving ads are pretty cool, and draws your attention to them. I personally wouldn't change anything about this webpage, it feels pretty solid and I enjoy everything that's already on it. Yes I would want others to come and take a look around. The site is mainly focused around hunting and so many of its products are for hunting. Even with this in mind many of their products are still very helpful for people.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

battlelog.battlefield.com review

         Today I will be reviewing a website called battlelog.battlefield.com. It is the site where everything from battlefield 3 is located. It has all of your player stats, rank advancements, friends, multiplayer servers and more.

         I feel that this webpage is good for gaming. The homepage has everything you could want from a game. The drop down tabs at the top of the page are easy to look at and navigate through. I also like how the page is split up into distinctive sections; making it easy to tell where everything is. I enjoy the little things as well, like when your mouse goes over a box and it lights up or the different fonts used to make it look aesthetically pleasing. I personally wouldn't change anything about this webpage, it has everything I could possible want at my fingertips. For this webpage it seems silly to say if I would recommend this site to people, seeing as you have to buy the game in order to go here; and even after you have bought the game the only way to play battlefield 3 would be to go through this website.