Tuesday, October 9, 2012

battlelog.battlefield.com review

         Today I will be reviewing a website called battlelog.battlefield.com. It is the site where everything from battlefield 3 is located. It has all of your player stats, rank advancements, friends, multiplayer servers and more.

         I feel that this webpage is good for gaming. The homepage has everything you could want from a game. The drop down tabs at the top of the page are easy to look at and navigate through. I also like how the page is split up into distinctive sections; making it easy to tell where everything is. I enjoy the little things as well, like when your mouse goes over a box and it lights up or the different fonts used to make it look aesthetically pleasing. I personally wouldn't change anything about this webpage, it has everything I could possible want at my fingertips. For this webpage it seems silly to say if I would recommend this site to people, seeing as you have to buy the game in order to go here; and even after you have bought the game the only way to play battlefield 3 would be to go through this website.

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